Monday, August 31, 2009

How to lose a bank holiday in one idea

This post is not as cryptic as it may seem. When Chris asked me on Friday what plans I had for the weekend, I has a list of maybes. The one firm plan I had was to spend Bank Holiday Monday in practising my sewing skills and making the Bette dress from Sew Magazine. Well, you know all about best laid plans! I then proceeded to think that this weekend would be an ideal time to finally clear out the junk that has been collecting stealthily in our attic, and do a car boot sale.

Sunday passed in a blur of loft ladders and long forgotten posessions, and by the time tea time rolled around I was dead on my feet. This morning I prised myself out of bed at the unholy hour of 6am (even earlier than I get up for work) and set off to a well known car boot sale. Only to find that due to the inclement weather during the night it was cancelled.

However, the car boot angels were obviously working for double pay this morning, as a fellow car booter wound their window down and offered to show me another venue. Off we went along the M55 and I found myself on the outskirts of Blackpool by 7.15.

Five hours later, I had £129, a rosy face from the wind and rather less junk than I had set off with - not bad for a morning's work!

If only there was such a thing as Bank Holiday Tuesday, I might actually get that dress made!

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