Saturday, October 11, 2008


Woohoo! Yes, that's me swimming a mile! I did it! Lots of exclamation marks because I'm pretty proud of myself!

I managed the full mile on Thursday morning, and then a further 60 lengths on Friday afternoon, so that's this week's quota all done. I'm getting into it now, and am usually surprised at how quickly the time goes. Now that the psychological barrier is broken, and I know I can swim more than 40 lengths quite comfortably, I'm raring to go. Plus, no volleyball match this Monday, so that's only half the muscle ache that I'd usually have before I even start on the swimming. I have the feeling that things can only go well this week!

Oh, and before I go, Woohoo! again!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A brief update

Well, swimming so far hasn't been too bad. I managed 90 lengths in week 1, which was less than schedule by 30 in the interests of personal wellbeing. Note to all - social swim sessions on Saturdays are no good unless you're under 15 and like to divebomb, do handstands, practice underwater swimming, or are not bothered about being accidentally kicked, jumped on or swum in to.

Week 2 was a little more fruitful, I managed 130 lengths, which ate into the deficit a little. Last week was week 3, and due to the start of the volleyball season, I only managed the scheduled 120 lengths. This week I haven't been at all (again, blame the volleyball) but tomorrow I have a late start for work so intend making a splash (ha ha!) and cracking on with this week's quota. I quite fancy going for a full mile, but that might be overstretching it a bit (64 lengths). We'll see.

Anyway, in the interests of maximising knitting and dvd time, that's all for now!